Libya-Analysis helps companies figure out their toughest problems as they relate to Libya, drawing on years of experience, a wide network of contacts, and strategic partnerships with well-placed organisations. Whether it’s due diligence on a potential business partner, assisting a market entry, or consulting on a specific issue, our analysts can guide your decision-making process.
Our Coverage
Due Diligence
Litigation Support
Market Entry
Our Projects
In November 2021, Libya-Analysis supported two of our strategic partners to deliver two highly successful international business summits in Tripoli.
On 21 November, Libya-Analysis co-hosted the American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham) in Libya Trade Mission in Tripoli. We supported AmCham with securing speakers, identifying topics of interest for US companies, chairing sessions, and delivering presentations and reporting for attendees.
On 22 and 23 November, Libya-Analysis supported the Libya Energy and Economic Summit in Tripoli, providing strategic support on the organisation of the event, producing bespoke research and analysis for attendees about Libya's energy sector, and chairing key sessions.
“Many thanks for your hard work in pulling together the series Libya in Transition: Implications and Opportunities for Britain. We have held extremely interesting and informative events, and I am delighted that the Royal African Society and Libya-Analysis have been able to submit evidence to the Foreign Affairs Select Committee based on some of the discussions.”