Anna Baldinetti looking for research assistant

Professor Anna Baldinetti, a good friend of mine and one of the real leaders in the Libya field has asked me to circulate the following announcement to the Middle Eastern Studies community as she is looking for a UK based research assistant.Here is the announcementAnna Baldinetti, Professor of History and Political Science at the University of Perugia and former Evans-Pritchard Lecturer at All Souls College, Oxford, is looking for a part-time paid research assistant who is resident in England and has library privileges as a major UK academic library. The successful candidate will be familiar with Arabic and English. Knowledge of Libya and its historiography is a plus, but not required. He or she will be able to help Prof Baldinetti to gather documentation in Arabic on women, family and youth in Libya scattered in various UK libraries (mainly Durham, Oxford, and Soas). The student ( he/she can be based anywhere in the UK) should acquire them by interlibrary loan, make photocopies and send them to me. The pay is 15 euros (about 12 pounds) an hour and of course Prof Baldinetti will refund the interlibrary loans fees as well as other expenses. This is a great opportunity for a young enterprising graduate student working on Libya as it has the potential to develop into further collaboration with Prof Baldinetti. If you are interested please contact with your CV.