GNC Sets Up Own Military Force

I've written before on this blog and on about the dangers to GNC members and independent decision-making caused by inadequate security allowing armed protestors to storm the GNC assembly hall. I admit that my prediction for better security measures involved increasing the numbers of police and military personnel assigned to guard the premises, and not what was just announced on 10 January.Instead, the GNC's first decision of the new year is to set up its own independent security force under direct command of the President of the GNC. This force is neither part of the police nor the army. Better late than never? You can read GNC Decision 1 for 2013 here.As the Libya Herald has commented on this new body,

It is not known how large the new body will be. Resolution No 1 for 2013, setting it up, has no mention as to its size.  It is thought its forces will also act as bodyguard for Congress members wherever they are in the country.