On 29 December, members from the High Council of State (HCS), House of Representatives (HoR), and Constituent Assembly (CDA) filed an appeal to the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court against the HoR session that amended the constitution declaration. The complaint argues that the amendment does not conform to legal requirements. The appeal serves to cancel the second article of the amended constitutional declaration that requires a 50 +1 vote in each constituency and that Libya is divided into three constituency.On 26 November, the HoR approved the Constitution Referendum Law after it passed the tenth constitutional amendment ensuring that the law did not violate the (temporary) Constitution Declaration of 2011. It appears as though HoR actively set up the constitutional amendment process to ensure the Constitutional Amendment was vulnerable to challenge in the courts – which is now occurring – causing the whole process to collapse. In doing so, the HoR, the HCS and the power brokers behind them will maintain the status quo from which they profit and push back any elections which would see their roles become redundant.