As the situation in Libya deteriorates towards the end of July 2014, Western countries are debating three key options: withdrawal, mediation, and intervention. The issue is complicated by the security situation which requires withdrawing or protecting diplomatic personnel, while simultaneously attempting to stay appraised of developments on the ground which are happening at breakneck speed. I have waded into these debates with an article in Foreign Affairs, which as a publication tends to reach the upper echelons of the American policymaking establishment. I put forth the case for mediation in that article and criticize the American decision to entirely withdraw its Embassy and to do so in a disgraceful Saigon-esque fashion.These are the same issues I debate on TV with my close friends Richard Northern and Karim Mezran on Al Jazeera's flagship talking heads programme, "Inside Story." I think it was the best TV show i've yet been on and I hope you watch it and enjoy it by clicking here.