On 22 October, Floor El Kamouni-Janssen, Hamzeh Shadeedi and Nancy Ezzeddine published a report entitled « Local security governance in Libya : Perceptions of security and protection in a fragmented country » with the Dutch think Tank Clingendael. The report explores the issue of local security in Libya, demonstrating that in the absence of a unifying government in Libya, citizens turn towards alternative informal power settlements to provide core government functions such as security. To inform their research, the authors conducted a household survey on safety in various Libyan municipalities. The reports provides not only an analysis of the issue but also the perceptions and experiences of Libyans on the matter. Drawing on the results of their research, Kamouni-Janssen, Shadeedi and Ezzeddine put forward key insights on local security governance in Libyans and suggestions for international assistance workers on how to address the issue of security in Libya.Click here to download the report.