GIS: ‘Can federalism bring stability to Libya?’

On 10 May, GIS published an article by Frederica Saini Fasanotti, titled ‘Can federalism bring stability to Libya?’. Fasanotti looks at the deep historical divisions in Libya, arguing that a decentralized, federalist approach could help achieve stability. She argues that the most likely scenario is that the UN ‘will stubbornly continue to force’ elections, although this will not guarantee peace or stability and will keep the country in ongoing conflict. Meanwhile, she writes, a less likely scenario would be to ‘institute a system of decentralization that would keep rival groups in Libya from preying on each other’ and help achieve stability. However, she concludes that such scenarios remain unlikely, ‘since they require a paradigm shift that is one step too far for many Western leaders and those at the top of international institutions.’

Read the full article here.