Tripoli Faction Balks at U.N. Proposal for Unity Government in Libya — Libya-Analysis

Tripoli Faction Balks at U.N. Proposal for Unity Government in Libya

You know what they say about Libya?  Never a dull a moment. This old adage is proving truer than ever, as Bernardino Leon responded to the inability to get the GNC to announce a list of candidates for the unity government by simply announcing his own list. One has to appreciate the courage of this unorthodox move.  Is it likely to work? No. However, it is certainly better than doing nothing and simply sitting on the sidelines as everything collapses. This appears to be his way to put the onus on the Libyans to do something. And yet the problem remains lack of Libyan ownership of the process. Read more from Newsweek here and from BBC's Rana Jawad here.

UN envoy Bernardino Leon told a news conference in Morocco, where the talks were held, that Fayez Sarraj, from the Tripoli parliament, would be nominated as prime minister.But GNC MP Abdulsalam Bilashahir told the BBC: "We are not a part of this [proposed] government. It means nothing to us and we were not consulted."Ibrahim Alzaghiat, of the House of Representatives (HoR), based in Tobruk, said: "This proposed government will lead to the division of Libya and will turn it into a joke. Mr Leon's choice was unwise." 
