On 13 July, Benoit Faucon, Jared Malsin and Summer Said revealed in an investigation published in the Wall Street Journal the strong ties between General Haftar and the United Arab Emirates (U.A.E) and the involvment of the U.A.E in the recent crisis that developed in the Oil Crescent region. According to the authors, the U.A.E have reportedly been in talks with Haftar to facilitate independent oil sales through Eastern-Libya based National Oil Corporation (NOC). The authors point out that the U.A.E's support for such trade is in total contradiction with UN resolutions. The U.A.E publicly supports the UN resolutions for Libya, but privately works to strengthen Haftar. On July 13, under international pressure Haftar backed away from his plan, and the U.A.E was also pressured by international powers such as the United States and France to temper its support to Haftar. The investigation provides a clear and detailed insight on the different agendas pushed by international powers in Libya and the impacts of such agendas on Libya's economy, politics and stability.Click here to read more.