On 16 July, Ghassan Salamé, the Special Representative of the UN Special Mission to Libya (UNSMIL) presented his latest report on the situation in Libya to the UN Security Council. Salamé highlighted the work conducted by the UNSMIL in Libya, such as mediation on contentious issues, the organization of local elections, the reestablishment of the UNSMIL office in Tripoli and the organization of the National Conference, in which over 7,000 Libyans reportedly participated. Reporting on the recent tensions in Libya, and most particularly on the tensions in the Oil Crescent, Salamé evoked the importance of pushing forward economic reforms in Libya, arguing that such reforms would allow for the stabilization of the security situation. In his speech, Salamé also argued that Libyans are in need of significant institutional changes and reaffirmed the UNSMIL’s commitment to holding elections, even though he stated that ‘without the right conditions, it would be unwise to conduct elections’.Click here to read more.